Applied Science and Technology, Ph.D.

Overview of the 程序

The Applied Science & Technology (AST) Ph.D. 程序 offers concentrations in bioscience, applied chemistry, applied physics, data science and analytics, information technology, technology management, STEM Education, and atmospheric, environmental, and energy science.

It is the largest STEM Ph.D. Program on campus. 毕业生毕业一年后平均发表论文3篇.5. AST students have received the A&近年来多次获得T大学最佳论文奖.

Curriculum Guide can be found 在这里.


Advanced studies within atmospheric, environmental & 能源科学为解决重大社会问题提供了跨学科的机会. 研究领域包括大气系统,范围包括:(a)从微观尺度(生物质燃烧气溶胶), wildfire/aviation/sea-spray 动荡, 龙卷风), mesoscale (snow/ice-atmosp在这里 interaction, tropical/moist convection, orographic effects, severe local storms), to large scale (tropical cyclones and waves, Arctic cyclones, and polar climate) systems; (b) from tropical (cyclones and waves), midlatitude (storms, polar/subtropical jets), to polar (snow/ice, Arctic cyclones) regions; and (c) from short (aerosol emission, 动荡, 龙卷风) to long (regional climate in polar and tropical regions; biomass impacts on climate) terms, using measured, 观察到的, or remotely-sensed data by laboratory, 场, or numerically-modeled experiments. 有关AST博士课程的更多信息 & Energy Science concentration, please contact Dr. Yuh-Lang Lin (

应用物理学的高级研究涵盖了从亚原子粒子(核物理)到天体物理喷流(天文学)的范围。, 从天气和气候科学(大气科学和气象学)到大脑和行为(生物物理学). 核物理小组在杰佛逊实验室进行实验研究。, a world-class high energy nuclear physics facility under the Department of Energy (DOE): (a) precision determination of the proton radius; (b) high precision measurements of the light elementary particles (pseudoscalar mesons) to address the fundamental symmetries and their breaking phenomena in physics. The biological physics group uses experimental, theoretical, 以及计算方法,以了解物理环境如何影响行为,以及生物体如何处理物理信号以理解周围环境. 校友们继续在政府机构(美国国家航空航天局)工作, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局, 环境保护署, Institute for Defense Analyses, 和你.S. 太空部队)、工业(洛克希德·马丁、英特尔、波音、通用电气、IBM)和大学. 有关AST博士应用物理专业的更多信息,请联系Dr. Solomon Bililign (

生物科学中的高级研究正在导致对生物系统的变革性见解,同时也为应用奠定了基础, interdisciplinary re搜索. 该方案进一步促进与个人及其社区健康有关的应用领域的知识和经验的发展, the environment, 教育, and industry. 生物科学专业的主要研究领域包括细胞和分子生物学, microbiology, 免疫学, 生理学, neuroscience, evolutionary genomics, and systems biology. 学生也有机会发展专业知识,了解如何利用学科知识和研究来应对环境健康等其他特定领域的社会挑战, health disparities, and STEM 教育. 有关AST博士生物科学专业的更多信息,请联系Dr. Misty Thomas (


应用化学的高级研究包括计算结构生物化学的研究, 生物传感器, Nanocatalysts for Fuels & 燃料电池, Food-borne Pathogenesis, Coordination Polymers, Luminescent Sensor Materials, Chemoprevention 化学, Biopolymers, 修饰表面的细胞生物学用于药物毒性筛选, and Curriculum and Instruction Development. 该课程的毕业生在工业界找到工作, 学术界 and the government, enjoying careers in re搜索, 教学, engineering, 业务, pharmacology, forensic sciences, and biotechnology. 有关AST博士应用化学浓度的更多信息,请联系Dr. Bishnu Bastakoti (

数据科学和分析的高级研究包括统计学等领域, mathematical modeling, theoretical mathematics, and applied mathematics. 毕业生可能会选择在研究和开发机构寻求就业机会, government agencies, 教育al services, 学术界, manufacturing with titles such as Biostatistian, Cost Estimator, Market 研究 Analyst, or 数学ematician.关于AST博士数据科学的更多信息 & 分析 concentration, please contact Dr. Alexandra Kurepa (

信息技术领域的高级研究提供了在云计算等研究领域工作的机会, Computer and Network Security, Enterprise Computing, High Performance Computing, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, and Wireless Networking. Graduates work in a variety of positions, which include Database and Network Administrator, System Analyst, IT consultant, and Project Manager. Employers include EMC, Accenture, AT&T,通用电气,IBM,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司,以及州和联邦机构. 有关AST博士信息技术专业的更多信息,请联系Dr. Hossein Sarrafzadeh (

技术管理专业培养杰出的领导者和学者,研究技术创新和组织变革的动态关系及其对组织和社会的影响. 该课程建立在应用工程技术系教师在应用研究方面的实力基础上,并提高学生对人类行为的了解, organizations, and social systems. Graduates find employment in manufacturing, electronics, construction, product design, 以及许多其他行业和政府机构. 有关AST博士技术管理专业的更多信息,请. Xiaochuan Lu ( 

STEM教育的学科是对STEM学习进行基础研究,并将研究与实践联系起来——定义有效的实践, identifying the reasons why they work, developing curricula, assessing how students learn, 并将这些发现应用到未来STEM学生的课堂中. 科学技术学院为STEM教育研究提供了丰富的环境, 化学, 数学, 和物理通识教育课程通过成本在校园内为学生提供. The Applied Engineering Technology, Computer Systems Technology, 和建筑环境技术部门可以全面获得成本方面的STEM教育专业知识. 欲了解更多关于AST博士STEM教育专业的信息,请联系Dr. Jenora Waterman (

Contact Information

Program Director, Jenora Waterman, Ph.D.
Phone: 336-285-2329

Program Website